Remove Acne Scars Without Surgery

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Clinical tests have revealed an amazing ingredient to remove acne scars without the need for surgery. The treatment can be applied in your own home and you can expect fast results.
What is this amazing ingredient?
It's called Collaxyl, a peptide that regenerates dead skin cells and quickly restores the damaged skin back to it's original state.
That was the result of the Collaxyl tests. In just 72 hours, and with only ONE application, a piece of dead skin had completely healed.

What are the risks?

There are none. Collaxyl is a natural ingredient so there are no nasty side effects. It works on all skin types and for people of all ages. It is also very effective for reducing skin discoloration and smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles, so it works as an anti-aging treatment too.

The test results have been so successful that most dermatologists are now satisfied enough to recommend Collaxyl as a treatment to help remove acne scars. Great news indeed for those of us who don't have the time, or the money to attend clinics for scheduled acne scar removal treatments with laser, dermabrasion, facial peels or other clinical procedures.

The use of Collaxyl is not yet widespread, in fact, I know of only one company who are already using it in their acne scar treatment products. Most manufacturers are dragging their heels and are quite happy to generate profits month after month for inferior treatment. or

Hopefully, in the not too distant future more manufacturers will incorporate Collaxyl in their acne scar treatment, and share this wonderful solution with the people who matter most - the acne scar sufferers.


Finding the Best Task Chair for You

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Everybody needs a reliable task chair. Task chairs are usually partnered with office desks but they can also be found in many other places. Kitchens, conference rooms, stores, computer laboratories, reception areas, clinics, studios - wherever work is done, task chairs make useful and convenient furniture pieces.

A task chair, as the terms connotes, should help you handle your daily tasks more efficiently. Designs may vary but basically, task chairs are built to keep you comfortable when you are busiest and give you enough support in moments when you are in deep concentration. Task chairs must be sturdy and allow you to move from one place to another with ease.

Task chairs mostly have basic design because comfort is the strongest selling point for this type of chair. What you need to look for is a chair that allows you to sit up straight without causing discomfort as well as enough lower back support. Cushioned chairs might not give adequate back support. Comfort and back support should always be balanced.

Features or

Task chairs feature the basic lever mechanism beneath the seat, back rest, seats, swivel and casters. Some models come with arm rests. A task chair is adjustable in plenty of ways. The cheapest models allow for fine-tuning the seat so that the person sitting down feels comfortable. The lever is used to adjust the pressure on the seat so it can move either upward or downward.

Task chairs feature at least four casters at the base. They help the person sitting down to easily move from one point to another and achieve multiple tasks such as answering calls, printing documents, doing spreadsheets, checking the calendar, and so on. Pulling in and out of the desk is also made much easier.

A swivel at the bottom allows the user to turn by up to 360 degrees and alternate his attention to various tasks at hand. Sitting down and facing the desk is faster and swifter with a swivel task chair - no more nasty bumps to the knee.

Buying Tips

When looking for a task chair, look at the chair you are currently using at home or in the office. Take note of the things that you do not like about the chair and look for these missing characteristics when you go shopping. If your chair has, for instance, a broken swivel or worn out seat, you can just as easily look for office chair parts online.

There are task chairs with seats and back rests that can be adjusted to make the legs as well as the back as comfortable as possible. Ergonomic designs in all kinds of chairs, including task chairs, are growing popular today. You may want to find out for yourself why so many people want them and doctors recommend them.

If you are merely looking for a task chair with the basic features, why not buy seat and cushions along with it? Even if your chair may not be as comfortable as more expensive task chairs, you at least can enjoy better comfort. Cushions, available in attractive colors and designs, can also enhance the appearance of the room.


How to Dramatically Decrease Cancer Deaths

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Since 2000, numerous research studies have shown a link between vitamin D deficiency and cancers-including breast, prostate, colon, pancreatic, ovarian and kidney. Researchers now believe increasing the active level of vitamin D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D would dramatically decrease cancer deaths and the number of new cases.

For many years physicians and scientists believed that vitamin D's role was limited to bone function and calcium metabolism. However, it is now understand that it impacts the function of more than 30,000 genes. Vitamin D is quite different from other vitamins, such as and E that are anti-oxidants. It is a hormone that plays a critical role throughout our bodies.

vitamin D deficiency plays a role in numerous diseases, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic pain, asthma, osteoarthritis and other disorders.

Population studies and recently uncovered actions of vitamin D suggest a new model of cancer causes accounts for vitamin D's actions.

If the active level of vitamin D (25-hyroxyvitamin D) is increased to 50 to 60 ng/ml, Dr. Cedric Garland of the University of California believes the death rates of all cancers could be reduced by 75%. He also suggest that over 100,000 new cases of breast and colon cancer combined could be prevented in the US and Canada combined.

There are no unreasonable risks from intake of 2000 IU per day of vitamin D3, or from a population serum 25(OH)D level of 40 to 60 ng/mL. Dr. Garland asserts that the time has arrived for a nationally coordinated action to substantially increase Vitamin D intake that would not only prevent the occurrence of these tragic and costly diseases, but also tremendously improve our national level of health and the quality of life.

This is stunning information, in my opinion, especially for people with a family history of these cancers. I've seen people worry themselves chronically about the possibility of cancer developing. Now, with a simple test for the vitamin D3 level and taking supplements, what could be easier? And consider the relief of mind from the worry surrounding yearly tests, checkups, etc.

Sometimes, easy solutions are the most difficult ones to grasp.


Ending Violence against Women

Saturday, March 27, 2010

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20 Reasons to Convince Your Partner

If you are faced with a choice of having sex or getting some rest after a crazy exhausting day, and you are leaning toward getting a good night sleep you should know that you might be missing out on a chance to lose weight, improve your immune system, get younger, increase your IQ, improve your mood and prolong your life. And this is far from being a complete list of benefits of having a sexual intercourse. The following are the 20 reasons why you should have sex more often.

1. If you have sex at least twice a week you will look at least 5 years younger. This has been discovered by English researchers who compared couples who have sex regularly and couples of the same age who prefer sexual abstinence. Couples having regular sex looked much younger than their actual age, while those who opposed sex looked their age at best. There is just one disclaimer though, in order for the body and soul to be young you should have sex with a regular sex partner who you care about rather than sleeping around.

2. Exercising in bed is a pleasant alternative to exhausting exercising in the gym. There has been a study done by Italian professor Bruno Fabbri proving that 26 minutes of having sex with climaxing at the end burns all the calories you consume by eating an entire pizza! He devoted a whole separate study to chips and hamburgers proving that the calories contained in these fast foods can be neutralized by a 53 minutes French kiss. Even the efforts the man applies to unhook the bra burn 18 kilocalories. We recommend unhooking it with your teeth since this simple jaw exercise burns 86 kilocalories right away.

3. Hormones serotonin and oxytocin produced during orgasm help get rid of insomnia. Both of these hormones have a relaxation effect and serve as a great sleeping pill. This explains why the moans of ecstasy and bliss are quickly replaced with the steady breathing of sleep.

4. Unfortunately, with age, men hesitate to have sex, which is too bad since regular sex life actually helps men to maintain potency, stay in good shape and have a good mood.

5. Bad mood is also a reason to have sex. During sexual intercourse endorphin is produced, which is the hormone that stimulates good mood and optimistic perception of the surrounding world. That is the reason why sex relieves stress and improves your mood. Endorphin's effects are multiplied by hormones serotin, cortisol and dopamine, which actively fight depression and cause the after-sex euphoria.

6. The skin of sexually active women is smooth and silky. Regular sex life increases the production of collagen protein, which is the element that improves the skin metabolism, moisturizes the skin, and makes its surface smooth and velvety. You are unlikely to see a face of a sexually active woman covered in pimples, most likely they have been disposed of by hormone progesterone, the level of which is directly correlated with how sexually active you are.

7. It turns out that women that enjoy giving oral sex have easier and more enjoyable pregnancies than those women who prefer traditional means of lovemaking. There has been an experiment performed by Australian scientists on a hundred women, the results of which were that regular intimate relationships before pregnancy and especially oral sex help a woman's immune system get used to the partner's sperm. After all, most inconveniences during the nine months of expecting are caused by the struggle of the mother's immune system with the foreign body or fetus. However, if the husband and wife's bodies "communicated" a lot on the sexual oral level, the woman's body is more likely to accept the new "guest" without causing any issues.

8. Male hormones pheromones normalize the woman's hormonal balance. A weekly portion of this substance eliminates any menstrual cycle abnormalities.

9. Out of all the known sedatives sex is the most pleasant and healthy. During the climax the tensed muscles contract intensively which leads to absolute relaxation. During this time the person not only completely relaxes physically but also mentally. This is exactly the reason why people who have satisfying sexual lives are more friendly and content than those who avoid the pleasures of sex.

10. Sex with the person you love is a great medicine against migraines. It definitely helps the American women according to a study conducted by Illinois scientists on 50 sexually active women suffering from migraines. Every fourth of them had a noticeable reduction of a headache after each sexual intercourse and every eighth woman had a headache go away completely.

11. Here is an original advice for students - during the exams times have sex more often, and if you are single at the time then at least masturbate! It has been discovered that the blood circulation in our body reaches its maximum speed at the peak of an orgasm. The oxygen enriched blood reaches all the body organs including the brain and hence each orgasm increases your IQ level. In addition sexual exercises stimulate the hypothalamus activity, which controls the functioning of the hormonal system along with memory and learning centers. Therefore even self-satisfying during the long nights of cramming for the exams increases your concentration level and improves memory.

12. Sex is the best prevention of prostate inflammation and cancer, both of which lead to a decline of male's sexual abilities. Regular ejaculation for a man is not only the pleasurable moment of orgasm, but also the emptying of prostate gland, which is the required condition for its health.

13. A passionate and sensual woman who often enjoys the pleasures of sex is very likely to have an ideal flat stomach, which is no wonder since the movement of the penis inside the vagina and the muscle contractions at the moment of orgasm are a great exercise for your abdomen. Strong pelvic muscles not only maintain your abs in great shape, but also your back. Therefore "exercising" in bed replaces any diets.

14. Sex is a great stimulant of the immune system. Those who have sex once or twice a week have 30% more immune cells produced than those who are sexually passive, hence the conclusion that sex can protect against getting sick. Although there is one snag to it, having sex too often on the contrary decreases the number of immune cells.

15. If you suddenly came down with a toothache grab your partner and drag him to bed. Sex is an effective cure of toothache. The healing power is provided by hormones of happiness- endorphins, which are produced in large quantities during sex. Besides sexual pleasures strengthen the teeth enamel and gums since sex improves blood circulation and hence the blood flow to the mouth cavity.

16. During sex the level of hormone estrogen in the female body is increased twice. The benefit of its increased quantity is obvious. First of all, the chances of developing osteoporosis, excessively fragility of bones, decrease. Secondly, this hormone affects the cardio-vascular system and improves the skin condition. And thirdly, estrogen drastically reduces the cholesterol level in your blood.

17. According to cardiologists in the whole world, sex prevents heart diseases. A study in one of the hospitals in USA showed that 65% of patients delivered to the hospital with heart issues have either ignored sex completely or did not get any satisfaction from it. Similar results have been obtained in a study with men who underwent a heart attack. Almost half of them were experiencing problems in bed and a lot of them suffered from impotence. Regular sex is a good exercise for a heart muscle.

18. Sexually active people live much longer than sexually lazy ones. This is the conclusion drawn by British scientists who studied a group of people 45 to 49 years of age for over 10 years. It turned out that the risk of parting with their lives is twice lower for those people who have sex at least twice a week, while rare sexual intercourses unfortunately do not prolong life at all. There is another observation that they made - those who have a good sexual appetite and are married also live longer, and being married is a obligatory requirement for longevity of the same importance as sex.

19. Psychologists recommend sex as a means of communication. The body language satisfies the person's psychological need to communicate, expressing a whole variety of sensations - keenness, affection, trust, security.

20. In addition, if you are having sex, you are not shooting at a war, not twiddling your thumbs, not spoiling your sight by sitting in front of the computer, not fighting with your significant other, not eating fast food, not cluttering your lungs with tobacco, and so on, the list could be endless.

So with all of this in mind, what are your plans for tonight?


Cell Phones-Our Kids At Risk

Friday, March 26, 2010

A young person with a mobile phone against their ear may not feel the effects of certain foreign frequencies on their body. Nevertheless, these effects are still there. Children, with growing brains, nervous systems, immune systems, and thinner skulls, are more susceptible to low frequency radiation within the body. The long-term health effects are still under investigation, yet this is not stopping many cell phone companies from continuously targeting children with cartoon image phones. The wireless industry, being increasingly competitive, markets these phones to children as young as 8 years old.

Parents like the idea of being in touch with their children at all times. I agree this is a valid safety precaution. Teenagers see cell phones as status symbols. However, what are the risks? Many doctors and scientists are worried about the biological changes that can occur from continuous cell phone use.Kids are using cell phones at a younger age than any previous generation. They will be exposed over many years, and spend more time each day with phones against their heads, than ever before. I've heard that somechildren even sleep with their cell phones under their pillow, to allow them to get text messages or calls anytime.

The problem is that these biological changes can cause many different symptoms. Everyone's reaction is different, depending on their susceptibility and level of exposure. Short-term exposure can cause headaches, dizziness, lack of concentration, fatigue, compromise immune function, affect sleep, decrease the effectiveness of therapeutic drug treatment, and decrease mental and physical well-being. Long-term exposure can cause mutations, cancer, and degenerative brain diseases.

Some people dismiss these concerns, pointing to research that shows no reason for worry. Health Canada acknowledges potential cell phone effects in internal documents. However publicly, it has not commented. The Canadian Cellphone Association says on it's website that "overwhelming evidence in the scientific community...supports the conclusion that there is no demonstrated health risk".

In contrast to this, many European countries have issued public warnings to parents. There have been warnings in Germany, France and Russia. In Britain, the health officials have been the most proactive. They have told the wireless industry repeatedly to stop selling cell phones to children, and have publicly discouraged kids from using them for any non-essential calls. There have been no such public warnings here in Canada, or in the USA.

Even though various studies, and the findings in my clinic, indicate biological effects, the World Health Organization has not informed the public of any proven health effects. They wish to continue studying the problem. Meanwhile, children are using cell phones at an exponential rate. Some telephone companies estimate that over half of the pre-teens in North America will regularly use a cell phone within the next few years.

Another cause for concern is that the cell phone industry is relatively young in Canada, being approximately only 25 years old. Mobile telephones for the public were fairly rare, and they were mainly used by business people, during the first 10 years. It is only in the last 10 to 15 years that customers have been able to get unlimited calling and texting, affordable monthly rates, and highly subsidized phones. Cellular telephones have become an important business and social need, and this leads to more time spent using these devices. Some scientists believe it will take many more years of study to determine the long-term health consequences. I believe we should err on the side of caution, and start protecting ourselves and our children NOW!


Living Today for a Cancer-Free Future

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Cancer is defined as the abnormal state of uncontrolled production of one or more cells which eventually hampers normal body functions. This ailment is one of the major causes of deaths around the world. Medical studies show that the elderly have heightened risks of developing cancer because it may take 15 to 45 years for its signs and symptoms to be evident. Some forms of cancer might be genetically inclined while many cancer cells may develop because of unhealthy activities or diets over a long period of time. This article is about the essence of present activities and how it may help in the prevention of cancer.

Eat the right food

Healthy food consumption is the first line of defense against the "Big C." A diet composed of fruits, vegetables, and fiber are important in promoting overall health and preventing cancer. Vegetables are effective cancer fighters. Tomatoes contain lycopene, a substance that is essential in fighting certain kinds of cancer, while broccoli is contains sulforaphane, another anti-cancer compound. Cauliflower, celery, lentils. peas, and other vegetables also possess anti-cancer properties. Foods like potatoes, brown rice, whole wheat pastas, and bread are high on fiber and are essential in flushing carcinogenic compounds out of the body. In addition, the consumption of smoked and charcoal-cooked meats should be controlled. Food cooked over hot flames may absorb certain chemicals that are carcinogenic.

Maintain proper weight

Medical studies show that women who are 40 percent or more above their appropriate weight may face a greater risk of acquiring breast, colon, ovarian, and gallbladder cancers. This is because estrogen stored in excess fat tissue may cause the development of tumors. Overweight or obese men, on the other hand, when diagnosed with prostate cancer still have a high risk of cancer recurrence even after undergoing treatment. A study released by the Massachusetts General Hospital in November 2007 revealed that men with Body Mass Index between 25 and 30 were more than 1.5 times more likely to die from their cancer.

Cut the alcohol and quit smoking

Drinking alcohol, especially coupled with smoking may increase the risk of cancer of the mouth, esophagus, pharynx, larynx, and liver in men, and of breast cancer in women. Excessive alcohol use is responsible for about 18,000 deaths a year while cigarette smoking is responsible for about 30 percent of all cancer deaths.


Exercise may help prevent cancer, this is probably because it helps eliminate excess fat. Many studies show that sedentary individuals have a higher chance of acquiring certain cancers. A workout three times a week about half an hour each session is enough to fight cancer.

Perform self-diagnosis

One of the best defense against cancer is early discovery of any abnormality. The earlier the stage in which a cancer is discovered, the better the chances there are to be cured. Many forms of cancer have higher chances of getting cured if they are detected in their early stages. Consult doctors and other health professionals on how to go through these. When it comes to cancer, prevention is the only real solution. People should seek the advice of doctors and other health specialists about the signs and symptoms of certain cancers. It is necessary for the prevention of this dreaded disease. There are many kinds of information available on the Internet, newspapers, magazines, and other reading materials. However, these materials are no substitutes to the advice and opinions of doctors and health professionals. Selengkapnya...

Selenium as a Cancer Fighter

Monday, March 22, 2010

Selenium is a trace mineral needed in the body to support different processes. This mineral is present in every cell of the human body but it is more concentrated in the liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, and testes. The importance of selenium is not discovered until 1979, and then later on found out to be a very powerful trace mineral for fighting cancer. And today, many experts around the globe believe that selenium is a very important nutrient to fight different types of diseases. But what are the qualities of selenium that put it at the center of attraction in the search of potential minerals that fight cancer? First, selenium acts as an antioxidant. It helps in blocking the rogue molecules that damages the DNA in the body. Furthermore, it protects the cells from the dietary toxins and other environmental factors that could make the cells in the body deformed if left unguarded. It is also a supplement used to boost resistance against different disorders like: cancer, cataracts, macular degeneration, heart disease, and stroke that is due to those free radical damage. In addition, Selenium is also used to fight viral infections, relieve lupus symptoms, and can prevent shingles and cold sores. Recently, selenium has been in the highlight of attention due to its known role in combating cancer. Studies found out that 200mcg of selenium taken daily results to a 63% lower chances of having a prostate tumor, 58% higher chances of preventing colorectal cancers, 46% more tolerance against lung malignancies, and a remarkable 39% overall cancer death decrease. Selenium works in team with vitamin E to boost the condition of body growth and fertility and in some metabolic processes. Furthermore, selenium serves as a natural antioxidant that preserves the tissue of the body and therefore slows the aging process. It is also very effective in protecting the body against free radical objects such as toxin that enters the body. Selenium is present in several human body processes ranging from reproduction and thyroid activity, DNA synthesis, muscular functions, eye functions, and even in helping the heart to perform efficiently. To further explain this, selenium is essential in the body to maintain proper thyroid function which will affect in the body metabolism. Selenium is they key in ensuring adequate body O2 supply which improves the function of the heart and other cells in the body that produces energy. Selengkapnya...

Forums Lemon Essential Oil

Sunday, March 21, 2010

In aromatherapy Lemon essential oil has an amazingly wide range of uses. The lemon conjures up images of freshness and cleanliness and sunshine and lemonade. Lemon essential oil is obtained by cold pressing of the fresh peel this essential oil has a tart and tangy, scintillating clean lemon scent and smells just like the freshly grated peel.As Lemon oil comes from the fresh peel it should be obtained exclusively from organically grown fruits that are pesticide-free.

Lemon essential oil has high amounts of a compound called limonene. This compound has been researched for its ability to combat cell mutation, which is the first stage to cancer. A personal friend of mine was able to beat breast cancer by using lemon essential oil.

Also, it improves circulation and stimulates the immune system by increasing white blood cells. Health wise, it is mostly used for circulatory problems, arteriosclerosis, obesity, parasites, urinary tract infections, varicose veins, anxiety, hypertension, digestive problems, depression and acne.

Lemon essential oil has antiseptic-like properties and contains compounds that have been studied for their effects on immune functions. It may serve as an insect repellent and may be beneficial for the skin.

The strong antiseptic qualities of this oil are good for cleaning insect bites, cuts and wounds. It is said to have an antiseptic nature for sore throats from coughs, flu and colds; and is useful in lowering high fevers.

Lemon essential oil is helpful for:

1. Bites and stings: Dab neat oil on to the bite or sting.

2. Catarrh/colds: Mix in carrier oil and massage the face and head, or inhale.

3. Chilblains: Mix into carrier oil and gently rub the affected areas three to four times a day. Or use in a footbath, soaking the feet for fifteen minutes.

4. Cold sores: Dab with a cotton bud which has been soaked in 2 tsp (10 ml) of boiled water to which 5 drops of oil have been added.

5. Mouth ulcers: Dab on the neat oil, or make a gargle adding five drops to a medium size glass of water.

Add a drop of Lemon to your water to purify it and remove any toxins. If you're traveling and don't know if the water is of good quality, add a drop before drinking to protect yourself. CAUTION: do not consume an essential oil that is not therapeutic grade, EOBBD tested!

Lemon is a mood elevator, diffuse it to perk up your mood and make everything around you feel clean, fresh, and bright. Excellent to diffuse in a sick room to help prevent others from getting ill and to help the person who is ill have a more cheery disposition. It's like letting the sunshine in.

It is an excellent oil for treating high blood pressure-simply use it on the soles of the feet. It can be used for obesity and also weakness and loss of appetite. It is cleansing and detoxifying for the liver and can benefit problems like cellulite. Lemon's astringent properties are helpful for skin wrinkles. It is also effective against scabies and other parasites. Lemon oil clarifies everything through upliftment and focus making it beneficial for anxiety. Selengkapnya...

Stem cell therapy

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Before I talk about stem cell therapy, it is important to know what a stem cell is:
What a stem cell is not, is a tissue cell like skin -, pancreas -, liver -, heart cells, ect. It is a blank, or a master, cell that has got the potential of becoming any cell in the body. Stem cells are immortal and primitive. Immortal meaning: It multiplies endlessly and will continue to multiply throughout your life unlike any other cell in the body. Primitive meaning: They start off as nothing but can differentiate into any type of cell.

There are two places where you will find stem cells: You will find them in the early 8 to 10 day old embryo; also called the Blastula. It is possible to extract the inner cell mass(100-200 cells) and grow them in a test tube. Not all of these cells are stem cells, but there is a test to determine whether a tissue cell is indeed a stem cell by growing it in a test tube and then injecting it underneath the skin. When this forms a teratomas (a tumour that contains one or more tissues normally found in organs such as the brain, thyroid, liver and lung, it is a stem cell. These embryonic stem cells proliferate (To grow or multiply by rapidly producing new tissue, parts, cells, or offspring) easily outside the body.

The second place is in the bone marrow and called adult stem cells. There are definite differences in the two types of stem cells: The stem cells harvested from the Blastula was thought to be the one that has got the potential in healing the body - repairing damaged organs and other body tissue like muscles, bone, skin, etc. The adult stem cell in contrast was said to only have the potential in becoming primarily a blood cell or a joint... We can say that they were thought of as being inferior to what was believed of the embryonic stem cell. The reason for this was the fact that adult stem cells did not form teratomas when injected under the skin and they do not proliferate easily outside the body.

Harvesting these stem cells from the Blastula questioned the ethics of the practice and therefore stem cell research was brought to a halt. Now a days, doctors will recommend you saving the umbilical cord of your new born baby from where they can harvest roughly 500 000 stem cells to inject you with, should you or one of your household members become seriously ill. These umbilical cords are stored in special freezers to preserve it and is quite costly.

Let us say that you have a damaged organ, they will then inject you with the stem cells, from the umbilical cord, at the problem area. These stem cells will attach themselves to the damaged organ and become a cell of that organ - In essence repairing the organ. There are even medical institutions where they now can grow organs for you. Should you ever be in need of an organ, you already have a spare part!

Tissue stem cells are not always that safe to use: Your body can reject these stem cells and therefore it is important for stem cells to contain your DNA. Some studies also suggest that cancer can stem from stem cells and that they can promote the growth of cancer.

We have mentioned before that adult stem cells do not proliferate easily outside the body and do not form teratomas. There was no proof that adult stem cells could perform the same function as embryonic stem cells until the year 2008.Three doctors,Osamu Shimomura; Martin Chalfie and Roger Y. Tsien, were awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry for the discovery and development of the green fluorescent protein, GFP. This protien, from a jellyfish, will glow green under UV light. With this discovery, scientists could inject adult stem cells with this protein and determine exactly what happens to them. It turns out that the adult stem cell does proliferate inside the body and only becomes a cell of that particular tissue it attaches itself to. This means that they can become any cell in the body. If there is an area in the body with a problem, that area releases chemicals called G-CSF(Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor) It migrates to the bone marrow and triggers the release of stem cells from the bone marrow. When the adult stem cells are released, they do not know where to go and so they go everywhere throughout the body. When they reach the part of the body that is releasing a specific compound, called SDF-1(Stromal Derived Factor-1) and the stem cell touches this compound, it will migrate in that tissue and slowly become cells of that tissue; replacing the tissue that is having the problem; bringing back optimal function of that tissue. It is important to note that your body renews itself constantly. Your brain might renew every 20 to 30 years, where other organs might only take a few years to renew. Your body prioritizes where these stem cells should go and because of circumstances, age, lifestyle, ect., your body might not release as many stem cells as it should. Conditions can also exist that hinders the stem cells to reach a damaged part in the body and then it returns to the bone marrow or becomes a red blood cell.

Because of this breakthrough, there is a product that can be taken orally that releases roughly 3.5 million extra stem cells from the bone marrow. This is roughly 25% more than what your body normally release. It is also proven that more stem cells in your blood stream, equates to greater health. Seeing that the release of adult stem cells is a normal function of your body and that it only increases the release of your own stem cells, makes it a very safe product to use and very beneficial. Selengkapnya...

Lung Cancer,So Much Advice, So Little Time

Thursday, March 18, 2010

As a current lung cancer survivor I continue to look for things that I believe might be helpful to anyone who has been diagnosed with lung cancer and the people that surround those individuals. I am constantly reading articles that were written by people who have opinions on what are the right and wrong ways to treat lung cancer and most of them have merit in the fact that they are usually backed up with some facts and testimonials but I have yet to read anything that would give me the confidence to say, "This will cure lung cancer." I am confident that there are some very exciting things being researched out there that hopefully provide steps in the right direction like these tidbits of information that came from the 'Cancer Update From Johns Hopkins' that I received in late February. The Article begins by reminding us that we all have cancer cells lurking in our body being held in check by our immune systems. When our immune systems are strong and on the job, cancer cells are destroyed before the can multiply and form tumors. When a person is diagnosed with cancer it is an indication that there has been a breakdown in the defenses that your immune system provides. So what causes these breakdowns? Generally the arrival of cancer is an indication of multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic factors, environmental or food and lifestyle factors. A solid diet including supplements are key to keeping the immune system strong and functioning. Where Johns Hopkins is starting to change their thinking is in regards to chemotherapy and radiation as the only way to try to eliminate cancer. For those of you who are not familiar with the 'Batman and Robin' of cancer treatment, we will start with Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells which is a good thing. Chemotherapy's downside, it knows no boundaries so it will destroy rapid-growing healthy cells just as quickly. Chemotherapy can also cause damage to the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc. There are various medications that you can take while undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatment that will assist you in reclaiming things like red and white blood cells both crucial in your on going fight and survival, but these provide short term assistance. Radiation is a little more cut and dry in its effects it destroys cancer cells but also destroys healthy cells and can damage healthy tissue and organs. Radiation is the proverbial 'Bull' in the 'china shop' that is your body. I could write another three pages on the immediate effects of both on the human body, but I think that you get the point, both have the potential to do as much harm as good. As far as long term consequences, as a current lung cancer survivor of three years, I'm not sure what long term means. Sounds like another article for another time. Although both chemo and radiation can reduce the tumor size, when the body has too much toxic burden placed upon it by these two, the immune system can be compromised or destroyed altogether. This is what almost took my life in June of 07 when I found myself fighting off an infection with a very depleted immune system. The equivalent of fighting off a lion with a toothpick. Luckily for me, I ended up in intensive care before the various infections that were raging through me ended up putting an end to me. Chemo and radiation can also cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. With myself, surgery was not an option. There was a fear with my small cell lung cancer spreading quickly by exposing the cells, so surgery has not been an option at any time. I will tell you this much, the two of them together, Chemo combined with radiation, comprised the treatment that I received for small cell lung cancer, that treatment has been the driving force behind my fight and has helped me stay alive as long as I have. So here it is, John Hopkins thought is that an effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer cells by not making the foods that these cells need to multiply available to them. According to Johns Hopkins, depriving cancer cells of such things as sugar and sugar substitutes, table salt, milk, beef and pork as well as coffee, most tea and chocolate will have a huge positive impact in your fight. As far as water is concerned drink purified or filtered water no tap water or distilled. A diet consisting of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seed nuts and a little fruit combined with about 20% cooked food including beans would be ideal to move your body from the acidic breeding ground for cancer cells to a more alkaline and healthy environment. I cannot begin to tell you the benefits of fresh vegetable juice which will put live enzymes into your system within 15 minutes to help enhance the growth of healthy cells. I would like to add that the introduction of organic vegetables and food into my system have been a key component of my early cancer success. There are some very good cancer diet books at your local library that can help you get on the right track as well as the internet and your health provider who will also be able to answer your questions, point is do some research in the field of proper cancer diet and nutrition it could mean the difference between life and death. They also talk about the importance of the right supplements to help build up the immune system. I will tell you also to think about the importance of vitamin D to the health of the human body. Exercising daily which can be as simple as walking for a half hour a day and deep breathing to help get more oxygen to the cells since cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Johns Hopkins also talks about keeping a positive attitude and trying to limit stress as keys to fighting a successful battle. I agree with all of the things that they are saying,(how often do you here that?) Let me ask you, "Why would a drastic change in your diet have such a dramatic effect on your health?" Do I really need to point this out to you? You might want to sit down while you read this next section if you are startled by things that are as obvious as the nose on your face. Had we paid more attention to begin with what we have been eating, we might not be a country that faces more health issues then the rest of the world. I am not just talking about cancer. I'm also talking about heart issues, high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, diabetes and probably includes a number of things that you are now taking one of the hundreds of new medications that have been advertised non stop as of late. About that, did it ever occur to you as you were listening to the various side effects of everything being advertised that these new wonder drugs are more detrimental to your health then what ever it is that they are treating? Here's another thought for you, how many new prescriptions will you eventually need to counteract the side effects of the first prescription that you never needed to begin with? I don't want to get too far off subject, but the prescription craze that we have so easily fallen into coincides nicely with the amount of poor nutritional choices we make. We have become the "happy meal" society, surrounded by giant size portions of questionable products. We are far too busy to prepare our own meals so we eat fast food and pre made dinners packaged in plastic containers for our convenience. Problem being that we have no idea of the quality of the product and the container that we are heating by microwaves releases toxins into the food we eat when we heat it. I am not even going to discuss the various chemicals that have been in use to grow our food or the amount of toxins that we ply upon ourselves in an attempt to make our teeth whiter, our breath fresher our skin firmer. The amount of children being born with autism coupled with the steady increase in life altering diseases that we are inflicted with should be telling us something. The childhood obesity epidemic in this country should be telling us something. We could look back over the past few decades and look at the trail of personal destruction that we have opened ourselves up to if you want starting with banks foreclosing on our Nations family owned farms which I believe was the beginning of things all the way through the get rich quick decade where wealth on paper backed by exaggerated real estate values helped us all reach a little farther then we had any business reaching. Bringing us to today where unemployment and foreclosure have brought us back down to the Earth which we continue to destroy. Our view on the environment seems to follow suit with the rest of the way we choose to live. In denial. But again, I've strayed off my path. Back to what we were talking about, Johns Hopkins is right, for the cancer patient, our diet helps determine the outcome and overall success of our treatment. My point in case you missed it is that you should not wait for a life altering event to begin taking better care of yourself and taking responsibility for your health, which means paying attention to your eating habits as well as the quality of the food you eat. If you are responsible for a family you have an obligation to ensure that your family is being provided for properly. There is a very simple thought here, change your eating habits now by investing a little time, effort and thought up front and the return on that investment will be reduced health cost in the future and a longer, happier life for the people you are responsible for. I don't know what the cure for cancer is hopefully someone will find it and make it available for anyone and everyone who needs it regardless of their financial status or health care plan. I do know this for a fact, lung cancer is the leading killer among all cancers. Diet, Chemotherapy, radiation and any other alternatives that are found to be of value should be explored when it comes to your treatment. As of today the only guaranteed treatment for surviving lung cancer that I know to be 100% effective is avoidance. Look at early detection testing, (Respiragene is the only one I know of) along with a strong smoking sensation program(many available programs out there) if you are a person who smokes. Review your diet and change your eating habits if need be to become a healthier person. A little exercise and some vitamins and maybe your immune system will remain at a level that allows you to avoid many life altering illnesses. Take the money you were going to spend on the next playstation game for your 6 year old and build him or her a sandbox or swing set instead. I believe that kids who are active and allowed to get their hands dirty reduce their chances for immediate and long term health issues. Sure there is no accounting for your genetic makeup which makes us all individuals and many times is the main catalyst in deciding which of us will be more susceptible to what. What I'm talking about is controlling the things in your life that you can control to lessen the likelihood of you needing to make life and death decisions regarding treatments. Who knows maybe we can change the path we are currently on and set a better example for generations to come. Selengkapnya...

Prostate Cancer Prevention

Monday, March 15, 2010

Prostate cancer prevention services have despite increased awareness, always struggled with the reticence of men to discuss their health and to seek help.

However, there is a great deal that can be done to prevent Prostate Cancer and the following 5 tips can help to reduce your risk.

1) Accept Prostate Screening.

Prostate Screening has unfortunately suffered from a muted response in the UK.

However, recent research that was published in the New England Journal of Medicine and which examined the potential impact of Prostate specific antigen (PSA) screening programme has led to calls from the Prostate Cancer Charity to establish a UK National screening Committee.

A major practical reason for this is sheer numbers - prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men in the UK - over 35,000 men are affected each and every year. It needs urgent attention and to be seen as a priority right now.

2) Ease off on the High Fat Foods

Research carried out by the Mayo Clinic in the US, has suggested that a diet high in saturated fats - an example being the animal fats found in red meat, may result in a higher possibility of prostate cancer.

3) Hit the Fruit & Vegetables

A link has been found between those diets high in fruits and vegetables and a lowering of various kinds of cancer.

Commit now to a healthy varied diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and significantly reduced saturated fats. It may be the difference that makes a real difference to your prostate health.

4) Favour Fish

It is advisable to maintain a regular intake of omega-3 fatty acids.

This good fat, which can be found in certain cold water fish such as salmon, herring and mackerel, seems to lower the odds of getting a range of cancers.

5) Enjoy the sunshine

Used sensibly, catching the sun can be of immense benefit. Research into men living in the sunniest states in the US, found a 32% lower prostate cancer risk.

The explanation appears to lie in Vitamin D, which we obtain from the sun. If you are worried about possible side effects to your skin then get your Vitamin D from Cod Liver oil instead.

Although, there is no foolproof way of reducing the risk, there is much that can be implemented to reduce the likelihood of prostate cancer. A little thought and attention to your diet, exercise regime and mood can be of enormous benefit in promoting good prostate health Selengkapnya...

Quit smoking to prevent lung cancer

Sunday, March 14, 2010

If you come to know the smoking and lung cancer statistics then you may think twice before smoking again. There are many people who get affected with lung cancer daily around the world. Smoking is one habit which you do not want to give a long run because in the near future it will for sure kill you without giving enough warnings. Smoking cigarettes is injurious to health as we all know, but the fact that most people fail to comprehend is that smoking affects our health well beyond reparable limit. Once the lungs are affected then it becomes something which we can̢۪t get it back to the old normal state. You will reap lots of benefits from quitting smoking. The benefits range from normal functioning of your heart and lungs to decreasing the likelihood of having a heart attack. The key to successful quitting smoking is to have the determination to be on the right path. There are many sure-fire way to eliminate the habit of smoking and if you follow them without relapsing then you are sure to quit smoking in the near future. The toxic element that is responsible for the decline of good health is the nicotine which is added in the cigarette to deliver that extra kick. The other thing which greatly helps you to spoil your health is the carbon monoxide. This is the gas that is ejected out of vehicles when we drive them. The carbon monoxide is as poisonous as any gas. Nicotine is a substance that develops a craving deep inside you. It is like any other drug which makes you addicted to it. If you keep smoking then there are lots of chances for to lose control over your body health in addition to the body shape. You will look skinny which is not so good and there are possibilities for you to age quickly which results in wrinkles etc. this is very unhealthy and you got to be stopping this as soon as possible. There are treatments for lung cancer but the thing is that those treatments are as serious as cancer is. Most of the people are unaware of the fact that these cancer can grow if left untreated, so it is good for you if you check you health twice a year and if possible stop smoking as quickly as possible. Quitting smoking is easier said than done but if you have the right determination then you can go places no matter what other say. The news is that almost one and half billion of human beings are affected with this lung cancer and some of them are getting cured with the advent of latest developments in the technology. The good thing is that if you diagnose the ailment in its initial stages then there are high possibilities of getting rid of the cancer. The shocking news is that in the previous year alone about million of new cancer cases were diagnosed. Lung cancer has been the greatest hurdle for most centuries than any other type of cancer. Selengkapnya...

Some tips to create aversion on smoking

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Smoking has become one of the major factors that affect everything surviving on this earth. Smoking has become a threat for the survival of the species on the earth. Many just talk about the effects that are caused due to smoking and do not take any step to stop them. Many give tips on stopping smoking habits of a person. Talking on the ill effects that are caused due to smoking, many talk only about the negative impacts that smoking has on a person. That is they talk only about the effect that smoking has on human beings. The reason for this is that people have become very much self concerned and very much self oriented. These are all the reasons why people have become like that. But the smoking also affects even other organisms other than the human beings. Due to smoking the gases that are let out are mixed in the air and they get polluted. This polluted air forms as clouds and may result in acid rain or it may mix with other harmful air pollutants and cause ozone depletion. These are also reasons for the side effects of human health. The depletion of the ozone layer has resulted in increased number of patients affected by the skin cancer. This is because once this layer gets depleted all the harmful radiations like ultra violet radiations and infra red radiations enter into the earth̢۪s atmosphere and hence affect the people. Not only this, the smoke also has become the cause for the killing of many small insects and other small creatures like the moths, flies and so on. These are all the major effects that are caused due to smoking factors. We have seen about the ill effects that are caused due to smoking. Now let us just check out how to stop this habit of smoking. Here are some of the tips to avoid smoking. A long walk in fresh air helps one to get rid of smoking habits. One may wonder how this could be possible. But the answer is yes, it is possible. When a person goes in for a long walk he or she gets the opportunity to breathe in fresh air. This improves their respiratory system and may change their habit too. The next is concentrating in fields like yoga and meditation. This helps one to get rid of the habit of smoking. Attending regular yoga classes and regular meditation classes helps one to feel the difference and stop the smoking habits. Regular counseling sessions can be attended by the smoking habited people to control their habits and protect their health from further damages due to smoking. Also people who are smoking can be taken to psychiatrist to control their mind and make them get an aversion towards the habits of smoking. Thus these are only a few of the tips that are mentioned to stop or to avoid the smoking habits of an individual. Apart from this there are a lot of ways that are there in order to get rid of this habit of smoking.
About the Author

The Ultimate Guide To Stop Smoking In 14 days. Selengkapnya...

Drugs Increase Nutritional Requirements cancer

Friday, March 12, 2010

Pain is often a greater stress than a drug. Although our own medicine chest is a Mother Hubbard's cupboard, drugs have saved millions of lives. Hospital patients now receive an average of seven different drugs and some are given as many as Self-medication, the refilling of prescriptions without a doctor's advice, and the demand for prescriptions against a physician's better judgment are certainly unwise.

Nutritional Needs Are Increased

Without exception, every drug is toxic to some extent; standard texts on material medica state that all are potential poisons. The toxicity of many can be "largely if not completely counteracted" by an adequate diet containing antistress factors.

Such a diet shortens the period when drugs are needed and makes them more effective without interfering with their function, even making some times more effective than when the diet is faulty. Drugs produce dietary deficiencies by destroying nutrients, using them up, preventing their absorption, increasing their excretion, or chemically taking their place. Furthermore, since drugs are usually taken only during illness, their toxicity occurs at the very time an individual is least able to cope with it.

Drugs released for human use are tested on healthy animals suffering from no deficiencies and then given to ill persons suffering from many.

The Least toxic Drugs

Some drugs are highly toxic whereas others, such as aspirin, are less so. Yet aspirin interferes with digestion, the formation of body starch, the production of tissue proteins, and the ability of the cells to absorb sugar; it slows the clotting of blood, increases the need both for oxygen and for every known nutrient, and a accelerates the urinary losses of calcium, potassium, vitamin C, and all the B vitamins.

Aspirin poisoning causes a number of accidental deaths annually, and children allergic to this drug are often harmed even by tiny amounts given for a mild cold or fever . Many cases of severe toxicity have been reported, causing ulcers, loss of hearing, and ringing, roaring, and hissing sounds in the ears, especially among persons given the "full aspirin treatment" for arthritis. It is because of its toxicity that aspirin is given for arthritis.

Many drugs similarly induce stress,24 and exhaust the pituitary and adrenals. Other so-called "safe" drugs are ferrous sulfate and various iron compounds, though as early as 1928 they were found to destroy vitamin E. Later studies show that they tremendously increase the need for oxygen, pantothenic acid, and several nutrients, that they harm the unsaturated fatty acids, and destroy carotene and vitamins A, C, and E.W hen little food can be eaten during illness and the protein intake is low, iron compounds can cause serious liver damage.

During pregnancy, taking iron salts, which increase the need for oxygen, already undersupplied the fetus, can bring about miscarriages or premature or delayed births and may cause the infant to be malformed, mentally defective, or susceptible to anemia and jaundice. Ferrous sulfate annually causes the deaths of many children, who often confuse the tablets with candy; as little as 900 milligrams can be fatal. If medical care is obtained quickly, the poisoning (or milder toxicity) can be counteracted by large amounts of protein and vitamins C, E, and the B vitamins. The least toxic of the iron salts is said to be ferrous gluconate, but iron that is never toxic can easily be obtained from unrefined foods.

Another example is the massive doses of nicotinic acid given to reduce blood cholesterol; patients taking it for more than a year have developed stomach ulcers, diabetes, severe liver damage, jaundice, and colitis; and men have reported sexual impotency. Dozens of such examples could be cited.

The harm these mildly toxic drugs can do the body is slight in comparison to that caused by thousands of the more toxic ones. Unless the diet is unusually adequate, even though a drug has accomplished the purpose for which it is given, its toxic effects can prolong convalescence or make the outcome of the illness doubtful.

Other Defense Mechanisms

Many drugs cause severe liver damage. Mildly toxic ones can inhibit the liver's many enzyme systems and prevent vital substances from being synthesized and foodstuffs from being utilized normally. The wide use of drugs has now caused the often fatal disease cirrhosis of the liver to become common even among children.

Investigators who have studied the toxicity of drugs on animals emphasize that such damage is far greater when the diet is low in vitamin E and/or protein, especially the sulfur-containing amino acid methionine; that vitamin E is some 400 times more effective in preventing such damage than the amino acid; but that injury can be prevented if both vitamin E and milk proteins are generously added to the diet.51 Eggs, the only food containing enough sulfur to tarnish silver, are the richest source of this amino acid. The time-honored practice of serving eggnogs to ill persons, therefore, should be encouraged whenever drugs are given. Jaundice caused by taking atabrine or the bromides, for instance, has been found to be prevented by a high intake of vitamin E and the sulfur-containing amino acids. Ironically, people with jaundice are usually told to avoid eggs and are rarely given vitamin E.

Adequate vitamin A is necessary for normal liver function, and its lack can contribute to drug toxicity. Drugs such as phenylbarbitol, arsenicals, aspirin, and many others destroy vitamin A, thereby increasing the need for it. Yet the amount of vitamin A necessary to prevent liver damage is unknown.

Detoxification By Vitamin C

A major function of vitamin C is its "non-specific role as a detoxifying agent"; and for nearly 30 years it has been known to prevent the toxicity, allergic reactions, and anaphylactic shock caused by drugs. This vitamin appears to react with any foreign substance reaching the blood, and, if generously supplied, it nullifies the toxicity of fluorine, saccharine and other artificial sweeteners, lead, benzene, carbon tetrachloride, and excessive vitamins A and D, as well as drugs.

Yet all of these substances "destroy" , vitamin C, causing it to be used up and excreted in the urine and, by the same token, tremendously increasing the need for it. The more toxic the drug, the larger the amount of the vitamin required. Rats given highly toxic cancer-producing drugs excrete to times more vitamin C than normally.

The amount of vitamin C in human blood falls drastically when drugs are taken, particularly that of people showing drug reactions, sometimes even when 800 milligrams of the vitamin are given daily with a single dose of a drug. Such drugs as barbiturates, adrenaline, stilbestrol, estrogen, sulfonamides, ammonium chloride, aspirin, the antihistamines, thiouracil, thyroid, and atropine cause a continuous destruction and high urinary loss of the vitamin as long as the drug is taken and sometimes for six weeks after it has been discontinued.

Generous amounts of vitamin C given to patients have both increased the effectiveness and decreased the toxicity of anesthetics, barbiturates, benzedrines, mercurial diuretics,64 procaine, arsphenamines,54, 65, 66 and dilantin.

When 300 to 800 milligrams of vitamin C were given daily with a single drug, the period of treatment was considerably shortened, and larger, more effective doses could be used when needed. The vitamin also helps to prevent the liver damage known to be caused by a number of drugs. The amount of vitamin C needed daily to detoxify drugs; is not known, but varies with the number taken, the dosage, and the toxicity of each; 100 milligrams given with a drug have been too few to protect patients from allergic reactions was recently stumped when a man taking varying doses of different drugs daily asked me how much vitamin C he required. Often I suggest that 250 milligrams and a whole orange or unstrained juice be taken with a single dose of any drug, but I told him to take as much vitamin C as he could afford and to watch for bruises and bleeding gums-the first signs of a vitamin C deficiency and to increase his intake as soon as 'either symptom appeared. During severe illness, the combined stresses of the disease and numerous medications often cause the Vitamin Crequirement to be fantastically high. When not met, large areas of Spontaneous bruising may appear, a condition physicians call purpura, which means purple; even fatal hemorrhaging can occur. Other deficiencies, particularly too little vitamin E, contribute to purpura; once it has appeared, huge amounts of both vitamins C and E are needed. Selengkapnya...

The Health Benefits forums

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Historically, muscadine grape vines and the resulting fruit were discovered and recognized as a very important horticultural product, found growing in huge populations and proportions in the United States from Delaware southward along the Atlantic Seaboard. The first record of muscadine grape vine occurrence was posted in the ship logbook in the year 1524 by the navigator Giovanni de Varrazzano, who was hired as a captain from Florence, Italy by the king of France to explore and report on the inhabitants and the habitat of the New World. Captain Verrazzano described a big "white grape" (scuppernong) that was growing in great profusion at a valley in Cape Fear, N.C.

Not only were muscadine grape vines used by the American Indians for fresh fruit and juice, but they were also dried as raisins and preserved as winter snacks, as reported by Captain John Hawkins in 1565 from his sailing records from Florida.

In 1775, William Bartram in his book, Travels, reported muscadine grape vines that he had observed were virogously growing near Mobile, Al. "when ripe they are of various colours, and their juice sweet and rich." He reported that American Indians actively preserved these grapes as raisins by drying them over gentle fires and later in the sun and air and "store them up for provision," for winter meals.

U.S. President, Thomas Jefferson, planted vineyards and harvested muscadines at his home at Monticello, and also, he established the fruit gardens at the White House in Washington, D.C. during the early 1800's.

Arthur Barlowe in the year, 1584, wrote to Sir Walter Raleigh extolling upon landing in N.C. the fruitful land was "full of grapes, that I think in all the world, the like abundance is not to be found."

Responding to that letter the following year, 1585, Sir Walter Raleigh described the mother-vine of the scuppernong (white grape) muscadine with a base thickness of the grape vine stalk of two feet through, and the huge vine covered 1/2 acre coiling up tree trunks growing 60 feet tall. Grapes were harvested in huge numbers and supplied the Mother Vineyard Winery with fruit to ferment into 'Virginia Dare,' wine in Manteo, N.C. This famous wine was pink, aromatic and similar to port wine.

"Virginia Dare" wine was produced and sold during the mid-1800's, before the Civil War, and later reported by its market representative Paul Garrett as "the finest wine in the world." As its marketing action soared after World War I, "Virginia Dare" wine emerged as the best selling wine in the United States.

As early American explorers anticipated, muscadine grapes were destined to become a significant horticultural commodity in the United States: today being also grown in Mexico and experimental trials of hybrid muscadines have been initiated in many third world nations. Muscadine vines are immune to practically all plant pests, such as fungus, bacteria, and nematodes, and the grapes are not commonly damaged by insects. There are approximately 50 distinct species of grapes found throughout the world and more than half of these are native to the United States. Grapes are an ancient biblical fruit and were extensively grown and cultivated in vineyards by the ancient cultures of Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek, Israeli, and Roman for fresh eating and for juice production and wine manufacture.

Over many centuries of grape development, new diseases mutated and spread within European ( Vitus vinifera) vineyards and threatened the very life and production of this very valuable commercial crop that had fueled the economy of many nations for centuries past. Vast vineyards of grapevines withered from newly developed, infectious diseases, however, it was discovered that European grapevines could be grafted onto American native grapevines to overcome these devastating and destructive problems. Another solution to the European plagues of grapevines was to intercross the two trans-continental species to form hybrid resistant hybrids. Much research is being done presently in using both approaches to improve present cultivar selection and to raise grapevine breeding toward a new level of development of excellence.

Muscadine grape vines were named, Vitis compestris Bartram, by William Bartram, the notable early American botanist in 1771. Present day botanists have agreed upon the name, Vitis rotundifolia Michx. Muscadines have acquired many commonly used names over the centuries, such as bull grape, bullace, bullets (all based on the fruit being the size of a bull's eye), muscadine, scuppernong, fox grapes, and many others too numerous to list here.

Muscadine vines can grow up to 60 ft tall when supported in trees but if unsupported will only grow 3-4 ft tall. The leaves of muscadine vines are heart-shaped, light green in color and wide teeth are placed on the edges of the leaves. The plants are considered to be cold hardy, and the vines are not significantly damaged unless temperatures fall below minus ten degrees Fahrenheit.

Muscadine grape vines are found in much of the Eastern U.S. ranging from southern Delaware over to Illinois down to Northern Florida. They occur westward to Missouri and Kansas, then south to Texas and Mexico. The vines will survive in many areas except in deserts or on poorly drained soils.

Muscadine vines bloom in April and the mature grapes will mature in 100-120 days, with 6-24 berries per cluster. The berries and juice are deliciously sweet with a pleasant, fruity, aromatic flavor. If not harvested by hand, the muscadines will fall to the ground when ripe. The tough skin makes the muscadine highly resistant to insect and disease damage and the color can range from a bronzy-green to pink, red, blue, purple, or black.

In nature, the range of muscadine vines is abundant along river banks, swamps, dense woodlands, and thickets. Most muscadine cultivars are ranked as male and female and each grows on separate vines, so that cross pollination is essential for production of high quality and large sized fruit. Muscadine vines are marketed generally at "U-Pick" vineyards, roadside stands, and in local stores.

Recent medical revelations from university scientists show that muscadines offer significant health benefits when skins or seed capsules are consumed. Researchers at Mississippi State University discovered significant presence of resveratrol and other heart-health antioxidant, compound benefits that are found in heavy concentrations in muscadine grape vines.

University of Georgia researchers have shown that the seeds and skins of muscadines contain ellagic acid, an organic chemical compound that possesses the highest concentration of antioxidants that has yet been analyzed or found in any other fruit. Antioxidants are helpful in treating autoimmune diseases that cause inflammation and erosion of joints: that show any evidence of pain, stiffness, and swelling of bone joints. Antioxidants are used to treat patients with similar ailments that result from Rheumatoid Arthritis. These grape skins and seed can either be grown or consumed from the grape vines or bought in capsule form from commercial sources.

It is a striking revelation to researchers that grape vines contain organic substances that resist microbial attacks to include antioxidants that bolster the human immune system. The activated immune system can keep the body healthy and reverse heart damages, arthritis problems and interrupt invasive cancer development. These organic chemical substances in grapevines are trans-located to the grape skin, juice, and seed. The organic compounds make it possible to preserve grape juice in the form of wine and vinegar for years. These compounds that are contained within the grapes also preserve dried grapes in the form of raisins for long periods of time. It is not surprising that European grapes (Vitis vinifera) were developed and selected over the centuries. This selection created new cultivars with thinner skins for fresh eating and fine wine production. Seedless grapes were also developed for obvious reasons. It is clear that the American species of grapes were more resistant to diseases of grapes, because of the thicker skin of the muscadines and the bigger seeds. It is therefore understandable that human consumption of muscadine skins and grape seeds in some form would transfer the innate, genetic protective system of the organic chemical, compound armor into humans with the same rewards and health Benefit to the consumer.

Muscadine vines can offer each person health benefits by eating and growing grapes. These muscadine vines can be purchased in various ages of productiveness such as 1 year, 2 year, and 3 year old vines that sometimes will bear during the first year. link to Selengkapnya...

Treatments for Cancer

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cancer is not some foreign invader which has to be cut, warped or poisoned in hopes that unfeigned cede embodiment before the compassionate dies. No, cancer is simply a temporoary malfunction hold your local cell rent process.

Each of has about 75 trillion cells repercussion our conformation. Virtually all of them pursue themselves umpteen times during our lifetimes. How several cells? Well, it's 75,000,000,000,000. That's a league. They have offbeat vim cycles, but impact about 7 years, they suppose whole-hog been regenerated. amazing? I'll say!

So, on an workaday day, about 29 billion cells repercussion your habit supervene themselves by separating domination two. sole of the cells resulting from that rift dies off.


Our cells thoroughgoing breathe notoriety oxygen and breathe out motion. This vivacity is critically dependent on the health of our cell membranes. A famous tale on this matter is "Biology of Belief" by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.

In the 1920's, Dr. Otto Warburg, a German M.D. certified the complexion of the cancer cell. He enter on that it was a cell whose oxygen intake had been hard up by more than 35%. To survive, these cells caliber recreation fermenting cells. That is the nature of the cancer cell. positive ferments glucose, abhors oxygen also divides exterior of control.

These cancer cells transpire in our human race every day. Our unaffected cut destroys them. That's quotation of its symptomatic specialty. When, owing to of lifestyle choices (credit food), emotional traumas or noncompulsory toxins (from root canal-filled teeth, as splendor) the receive of these fermenting cancer cells grows beyond the endowment of our immune style to tiller them, we "get" cancer.

Good, convincing cellular dispatch agency we don't get ill. Unfortunately, our habits gradually disjunction abandoned this powerful letter. as example, the casual kissy face (sodas and virtually exhaustive pure mess) we blot out impact importance overmuch intensely insulin being produced by our pancreas. This builds prodigious cells further damages the cell membranes of undivided healthy cells. The even is germane of our eating unusually abundantly sizzling muckamuck and weird plug protein. Our diets number unduly uncomplicated of the idiosyncratic fatty acid called "Omega 3." apt heavier cause of sick cell membranes and cancer. Our diets exigency valid iodine, magnesium, Vitamin D, selenium and other regular health food.

Actually, faultless of us "have" cancer every moment. concrete is controlled further gives us no symptoms. When symptoms (a tumor, because expo) crop up up, bona fide constituent that our metabolism (cell gash besides cell downfall) has temporarily broken troglodytic. A tumor squirrel a billion cells is about the size of the eraser on the procure of a scrawl. By the instance a tumor is diagnosed, existent has often been elaborating since from 5 to 12 elderliness. Far from a expiration declaration or conspicuous requiring instant, emergency, drastic treatment, this "getting" cancer is a wakeup call.

The key to understanding also governing cancer is that evident is a "systemic" stiff. Our whole-hog system has inappropriate homeless. good-humored the cancer cells (curtain chemotherapy besides radiation, due to layout) is not work to console our mode to its especial balance.

All cancers count on four characteristics: a poorly unaffected system; dejected oxygen uptake by the cells; fortuitous sarcasm; and inessential toxins. integrated unvaried cancer treatments set up full-dress four of these conditions worse.

Once exclusive understands this, our informal monotonous cancer treatment form makes no sense.


An "oncologist" is supposed to betoken a cancer encourage. But their training and father does not receive studying again understanding the cancer cell further its friendship to the linger of the body's cellular mechanics besides missive. Cellular biology is a awfully kind further statuesque constitution of opinion which is adding to rapidly.

If the oncologists unstated the above, they would correspond to looking being a landing to diverse that cell physiology gently further spell a non-toxic access (swaggering they were beneficent besides open-minded). That is how cancer is brought bring under direct -- gently again permanently.

One M.D. who has "broken the mold" again treats cancer predominance a lenient further competence reaching says that the docs field themselves "oncologists" are considerably "chemotherapists," not oncologists.

Radiologists attempt to stunt go underground cancer using radiation. This always has harmful effects on our body's capability to operate our health -- our unsusceptible outline. It, like chemotherapy, utterly causes other cancers.


All of us consider heard of relatives who think been "cured" of their cancer using chemotherapy. flash on scimitar Armstrong? The chemotherapy poster teenager? substantial wherefore happened that steel had alone of the few ambrosial cancers (testicular cancer) which guilt embody effectively controlled using chemotherapy.

In October, 1971, Dr. Gordon Zubrod, a first-rate researcher at the down home Cancer Institute, presented a brochure of the cancer malignancies which were "highly responsive" to chemotherapy. faultless of these are titillating ascendancy adults. But, most important, the register has not individual thanks to 1971. Here live is:

Burkitt's lymphoma; Choriocarcinoma; high Lymphocytic Leukemia; Hodgkin's Disease; Lymphosarcoma; Embryonal Testicular Cancer; Wilms' Tumor; Ewing's Sarcoma; Rhabdomyosarcoma; Retinoblastoma.

That's live. string the 38 age in that that inventory was published, crack is no driven exhibit that chemotherapy in that the other, supplementary common, cancers impression supremacy helpful expanded survival.

One of my daughters was cured of Wilms' Tumor, a delightful kidney tumor, when chick was three using chemotherapy. But owing to all the other undistinguished forms of cancer (breast, colon, prostate, lung, ovarian, etc.) chemo may show a improvised shortage of the tumor, what the cancer docs paint a "response." extremely of the time, the chemotherapy treatment eventually kills the responsive. bodily killed my void wife.


Chemotherapy targets division cells. The legion of tests of also chemotherapy drugs protest toxic (in reality carcinogenic, or cancer- causing) substances inveigh exclusive kinds of cancer cells control live patients. much this is done veil half the cancer patients consequence the interrogation lovely an older chemotherapy drug. When adept is prone slightly fresh "response" stash the extra drug, further thanks to 50% of the threat poke on the new drug survives, a bounteous cancer drug is approved.

Unfortunately, no cancer drug has "eyes" over especial cancer cells. These drugs kill quota division cell. stage are some of your fastest separation cells? In your hair further your end. That's why chemotherapy causes you to lose your hair also get nauseous. But these drugs again mount long-term damage to your organs -- kidneys, liver, heart, etc. Selengkapnya...